School profile

The full name of the third schools:Changsha Social Work College
Fourth school National Standard Code: 10827
Fifth school addresses: No. 22, camphor Road, Yuhua District, Changsha, postcode: 410004
Sixth levels of school running: specialized (Higher Vocational)
The seventh nature of running schools: public colleges and Universities
Eighth types of school running: full time
The ninth school subordinate units: the Ministry of civil affairs and the Hunan provincial government jointly build, for the Hunan Provincial Education Department directly under the public higher vocational colleges.
Tenth: Graduate certification in accordance with the provisions of national enrollment management admission and get my formal school school students, during the school to complete the theory and practice of the teaching link of the teaching plan in accordance with the provisions of the Bi (junction) industry conditions, issue the relevant certificate, and submitted to the Education Department of Hunan Province Electronic registration. The name of academic certificate school: Changsha District Vocational Technical College, certificate type: college diploma of full-time college.